Hi there!
My name is still Laura Mossop, I am still a painter and illustrator and I still have a terrible sense of humour which sees me laughing through all the crazy. My blog however HAS had a wee bit of a makeover. It's now called 'From Windmill Hill' after a place I used to live, where I created many of the ideas I want to create now that I finally have some time to explore them. I feel this is a more appropriate name...plus it sounds whimsical and rolls right off the tongue delightfully!
As a creative practitioner, I am also exploring traditional and digital arts and how they can be combined into participation events! As a creative however I still want to create whimsically, funny illustrations that people like to buy to put on their walls and chuckle at every now and then. This is where this blog, my etsy shop, Instagram and tumblr site come into being! It allows me to have fun, continue to express myself through these things and keep exploring the ridiculousness of my life without confusing people. These people may just want to learn about projection mapping and plein air painting and instead see a fabulous girl sitting on a giant cake...Not the worst thing on the internet but also not what they're looking for.
So if you're an old follower who for some reason still has me on your list, stay tuned for alot of major new developments, and for all new readers...welcome! Have a look through the archives and checkout my old artworks.
Speak to you again soon!
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