Sunday, 29 January 2012



I'm starting to get back into doing daily fashion outfits again. I'm approaching the challenge differently this time though. I love creating concept art for fashion and getting the emotion into the piece, so instead of trying to copy the outfits exactly i'm going to be more expressive. Still getting the look of the outfit and the model but not being as exact which was what was taking a lot of the time. 
I'm still working on my wedding portrait ideas and will be posting some inspirations up soon!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Lost in the Haze.

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A quick post tonight before i get back to creating the final touches for a wedding invite!
I mentioned to 'Lost in the Haze' a while back that i would love to do some sketches of her photos and now i finally have! Thanks for the wonderful inspiration Jo! Hope you like these even though they're quite quick!

I'm so jealous of your blue hat that i have to draw it.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Magazine article.

This new year has started with a Bang!
I've been focused on portraits for a while and all the hard work has paid off. I did a graduation event for the University of Derby andgot lots of positive feedback. Lots more work to do now until i feel confident the business works but i think i'm making good progress so far!

You can also check out some of the work i've been doing in From Dusk 2 Dawn magazine here. 

New fashion updates will be happening again as well as a lot of the development for the portraits and as Spring is coming up that means...WEDDINGS!! Pretty pictures will be posted asap!

Here's one of my favourites from the magazine. Kate Haresnape is a journalist for the magazine and was one of the people i did a portrait for.